SelectAlloy 308L-C Cryo

Stainless Steel / Metal Cored / Gas Shielded


  • Low carbon (C), < 0.03 wt%, minimizes carbide precipitation (sensitization) which makes the weld metal more resistant to intergranular corrosion.
  • Metal cored benefits include the ability to successfully bridge gaps when part fit up is not as designed, higher travel speeds with subsequent lower heat inputs at equal amperages, and ability to join thin materials.
  • Applications for this alloy type include fabrication or repair of cryogenic components of similar composition that require weld metal toughness to maintained at temperatures of -320ºF (-196ºC).

Standard Diameters

in (mm)
  • 0.045 (1.2)

Welding Positions

Flat and Horizontal


  • Ar + 0.5-3% CO₂
  • Ar + 0.5-3% O₂
    Flow Rate: 40 – 50 CFH


Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP)


  • ASME SFA 5.22
    • EC308
    • EC308L
  • AWS A5.22
    • EC308
    • EC308L
    Shielding Gas C Cr Cu Mn Mo Ni P S Si WRC-1992 Ferrite
    98% Ar/2% CO₂ 0.02 19.78 0.11 1.44 0.08 10.38 0.03 0.01 0.45 4
    98% Ar/2% O₂ 0.02 19.64 0.11 1.40 0.08 10.41 0.03 0.01 0.45 4
    Typical Mechanical Properties
    Shielding Gas Tensile Strength
    ksi (MPa)
    Yield Strength
    ksi (MPa)
    WeldCondition PWHTTemp Charpy V-Notch
    -320 °F ft⋅lb (-196 °C J)
    98%Ar / 2%CO2 89 (614) 59 (407) 32 As-Welded 31.6
    98%Ar / 2%O2 89 (614) 60 (414) 37 As-Welded 30.4

    Packaging (lbs (kg))

    33 (15) Spools, 60 (27.2) Coils, 500 (226.8) Round Drum, 800 (362.9) Hex Drum, 900 (408.2) Hex Drum

    *Some packaging options may not be available depending on diameter and product. Special package options may be available upon request.