Select 4130LN

Low Alloy / Flux Cored / Gas Shielded


  • Select 4130LN is a basic flux cored electrode for use with Ar-25% CO₂ shielding gas.
  • This electrode is designed to weld 4130, and other steels of similar composition, such as 4140 and 8630. Also commonly used to repair casting.
  • Provides a close match to steel properties following a required post weld heat treatment.
  • The deposit contains less than 1% nickel making this electrode suitable for most oil field applications.

Standard Diameters

in (mm)
  • 0.045 (1.2)
  • 1/16 (1.6)
  • 3/32 (2.4)

Welding Positions

Flat and Horizontal


  • 75% Ar / 25% CO₂
    Flow Rate: 40 – 50 CFH


Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP)

Shielding Gas C Cr Mn Mo Ni P S Si
75% Ar/25% CO₂ 0.25 0.58 1.64 0.17 0.74 0.008 0.012 0.35
Typical Mechanical Properties
Shielding Gas Tensile Strength
ksi (MPa)
Yield Strength
ksi (MPa)
WeldCondition PWHTTemp Charpy V-Notch
-20 °F ft⋅lb (-29 °C J)
Charpy V-Notch
-40 °F ft⋅lb (-40 °C J)
75%Ar / 25%CO2 109 (752) 90 (621) 23 PWHT 1200°F for 2 hrs

Packaging (lbs (kg))

33 (15) Spools, 60 (27.2) Coils, 500 (226.8) Round Drum, 800 (362.9) Hex Drum, 900 (408.2) Hex Drum

*Some packaging options may not be available depending on diameter and product. Special package options may be available upon request.